How to come up with endless content ideas

Writer’s block sucks.

It happened to you, it happened to me.

So don’t worry, it happens to everyone.

But here’s what you can do now:

  • Start viewing the world from the lens of a creator, NOT a consumer

  • Continue reading this email

And now, let’s dive into this week’s main alpha…

How to come up with endless content ideas

1. Consume content consistently

The easiest way to get more content ideas is to consume more content.


For me, I time-block one hour every afternoon to consume high-quality content.

New inspiration guaranteed every single day.

Yes, to be a better creator, you need to consistently create.

But don’t forget to consistently consume too.

Here are where I get daily inspiration from my favourite creators:

  • Tweets/threads (use Twitter list)

  • Newsletters

  • Podcasts

2. Take note of ideas right away

Ideas come up in your head 24/7.

The best ones even come up during unexpected moments.

So, be ready to capture them or you’ll lose them forever.

Build a system to help you do that anywhere and anytime with EASE.

For me, it’s Notion app widget on my phone.

Here are other low-friction ways you can try:

  • Carry a notebook

  • Record a voice note

  • Message yourself (WhatsApp, Telegram)

The more you capture, the more ideas you have on hand.

3. Find inspiration from audience

You can learn a lot from your audience too.

You just need to spend more time engaging with them and pay attention to what they say.

Things like questions in DMs or comments can tell you what they’re struggling with.

Take these as ideas to write about.

And create content to solve them.

4. Repurpose comments

Treat your replies as your standalone tweets.

Doing this will make sure they’re always valuable.

But the benefit doesn’t end here.

You can use Twitter analytics to find your top-performing comments.

And repurpose them into new tweets with:

  • New perspectives

  • More examples

  • More details

5. Repurpose best tweets

Some of your tweets will resonate well with your audience over time.

Don’t waste them.

Re-publish them (make a few tweaks if needed).

But keep the structure and key message.

If something works, don’t change it.

6. Rewrite worst tweets

At the same time, don’t ignore your past tweets that flop too.


All you need are a few changes to turn them around completely.

Rewrite with improved:

  • Hook sentence

  • Conciseness

  • Formatting

Over time, you can iterate them until you hit the sweet spot.

7. Use Twemex sidebar

This has been a real game-changer for me.

Here’s how I use it to find great content ideas:

  • Go to the profile page of your favourite creator

  • Open the sidebar

  • Choose Highlights

Now, you’ve all the best tweets from that creator to draw inspiration from.

Alternatively, you can search for something more specific from that account.

Type “/user” followed by a specific keyword, and there you go.

The proven strategies

Make these your habit when you create content and you’re guaranteed to stand out.

Audience growth doesn’t have to be complicated if you know how to get the most out of your comments.

This changed how I think about monetising my brand (find out what Paris and making money have in common).

The Web3 insights

With an endless possibility of real-world use cases they enable, Web3 mass adoption won’t be too far.

The NFTs can also change their appearance based on real-time local weather data.

Buy your next cup of coffee with crypto.

The final alpha

I’ve been struggling with perfectionism…

Wishing you an alpha week!


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